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RE: Guidelines for “Opening Up America Again”
As is known to you, President Trump has unveiled Guidelines for “Opening Up America Again”, a three-phased approach, which is based on the advice of public health experts. These steps are intended to assist state and local officials when reopening their economies, getting people back to work, and opening houses of worship, while continuing to protect our lives. The same may be accessed at:
For our considerations in helping facilitate the reopening of our churches, parish centers and monasteries, The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the United States of America has issued, as of this day and date, a common statement (attached), titled “Feed My Lambs”:
The following link will provide you with constantly updated, pertinent information to assist in facilitating the same by typing in your local parish zip code: WfmANjgnQr6KgwNCrThG5Buz5tpLE/exec
Prior to reopening any of our parish churches or, eventually, social centers, as conditions will vary from parish to parish, you must consult with your Dean, and/or directly with your Bishop. As such, it will be critically important for our faithful, at this time, to attend only their home parish to avoid regression. All clergy and church staff must follow the applicable, preventive measures set out, before church attendance was restricted, in our Act E. No. 167 of March 13, 2020: Diocese.pdf
Finally, and most importantly, the reopening of our churches, monasteries and social centers, and in many ways, the reopening of our life in common i.e., our communities, will be possible only through constant and fervent prayer! Therefore, it is imperative that, without exception, the Liturgical Petitions, which have been set out in our Act E. No. 169 of March 14, 2020, remain integrated in the appropriate litanies of all Divine Services, until further notice, throughout the Eastern American Diocese:
These directives are to be posted on all church websites and distributed through all social media and parish mailings, electronic, or otherwise.
Будући да Сједињене Америчке Државе настављају да се суочавају са нечувеном глобалном пандемијом COVID-19, остајемо током ове кризе и даље потпуно посвећени пружању архипастирских упутстава и испуњавању Наших дужности пружања безбедности за све вас, љубљено свештенство, монаштво и верни народе, а кроз вас и заједницама у којима боравимо, поштујући притом правила наше Православне вере, као и власти ове земље у којој живимо.
Напослетку, важно је знати да ће отварање наших цркава, манастира и црквених сала, али и ”отварање” нашег заједничког живота, то јест, наших заједница, бити могуће само уз помоћ сталне и усрдне молитве! Стога, неопходно је да литургијске прозбе, прослеђене у Нашем акту Е. бр. 169 од 14. марта 2020., без изузетка и до даљњега у целој Епархији источноамеричкој остану уметнуте у прописане јектеније током свих божанствених Служби:
Ова упутства истаћи на свим црквеним интернет страницама и разделити преко друштвених мрежа и парохијских именика, путем имејла или другачије.
Bishop of Eastern America
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